Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 20 '12 fra>eng réserves civiles rights reserved by the parties claiming damages pro closed ok
4 Nov 15 '10 fra>eng l’atteinte à la propriété breach of copyright pro closed no
- Nov 11 '10 fra>eng en vue d'une visite à caractère familial ou privé conjugal or private visit pro open no
NP Mar 3 '10 fra>eng une quelconque any [company] pro open no
- Feb 12 '08 fra>eng action prud'homale proceedings before an Employment Tribunal pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 fra>eng composer come to terms with pro closed no
- Feb 4 '07 fra>eng demander les levées request the withdrawal of pro closed ok
4 Feb 5 '07 fra>eng arrêter tous devis et conventions draw up all quotations and agreements pro closed ok
4 Feb 5 '07 fra>eng faire toutes déclarations de non cumul make all declarations regarding holding several positions simultaneously pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '07 fra>eng exciper to rely on pro closed ok
4 Aug 7 '06 fra>eng de ce chef in this regard pro closed no
NP Jul 27 '06 fra>eng procédure ouverte d'office proceedings started automatically pro closed no
- Jul 10 '06 fra>eng decret decree pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '06 fra>eng préjudice soumis au recours des organismes sociaux loss sustained subject to the appeal of social security bodies pro closed ok
- May 31 '06 fra>eng déposées dans la caisse sociale deposited in the company's account pro closed no
2 May 27 '06 fra>eng droits réels accessoires ancillary in rem rights pro closed ok
4 May 27 '06 fra>eng droits réels démembrés rights in rem with the attributes of ownership separated pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '06 fra>eng retraite actualisee capitalised pro closed ok
- Mar 30 '06 fra>eng bonification bonus (system)/subsidy pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '06 fra>eng prendre réquisition makes his/her submissions pro just_closed no
4 Feb 26 '06 fra>eng présenté à la signature submitted to X for signature pro closed no
4 Feb 24 '06 fra>eng certificat de non antériorité de dénomination certificate showing that the name has not previously been registered pro closed no
4 Feb 24 '06 fra>eng délivre séance tenante les attestations de dépot immediately pro closed no
- Feb 24 '06 fra>eng avantages subsidies pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '06 fra>eng ce licenciement sera solde par une transaction this redundancy will end with a settlement agreement pro closed no
- Mar 24 '05 fra>eng Convention de Séquestre Escrow Agreement pro closed no
4 Sep 25 '04 fra>eng "de droit français" a French company pro closed no
- Sep 10 '04 fra>eng PV d'audition record of evidence or deposition pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '04 fra>eng droit aux faits application of law to the facts of the case pro closed ok
4 Aug 27 '04 fra>eng Statuant publiquement, par decision reputee contradictoire Ruling in a public hearing, in a decision deemed to have been made after due hearing of the parties pro closed ok
- May 17 '04 fra>eng l'examen du dossier permette de retenir sa responsabilite, celui-ci precisant a review of the file showed that he was liable easy closed ok
4 Apr 26 '04 fra>eng reçu aux presentes minutes recorded in this official record pro closed no
- Apr 23 '04 fra>eng Vestiaire : X XXX Locker no. pro closed no
- Mar 28 '04 fra>eng "inscription en compte" " nominatifs administrés" shares registered in the name of the shareholder but account administered by a third party pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '04 fra>eng redressements contradictoire tax reassessment according to the "right to reply" procedure pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '04 fra>eng sans caution without [payment of ] any security pro closed no
- Feb 20 '04 fra>eng help with a phrase to rule that the company's claims are admissible and justified and to accede thereto pro closed ok
3 Feb 15 '04 fra>eng crime de droit commun a crime under ordinary French law pro closed no
- Feb 4 '04 fra>eng qualification des faits characterization of the facts pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 fra>eng expédition d'une décision Execution copy pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 fra>eng formule exécutoíre enforcement clause pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered