Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 11 '15 esl>eng cotejo de marcas trademark comparison pro closed ok
- Mar 4 '15 esl>eng prima de leyes chairperson of legal studies/keynote presenter at a legal symposium pro closed ok
4 Feb 26 '15 esl>eng encargo convenio responsibility / agreement pro closed ok
4 Feb 10 '15 esl>eng deban ser asumidas... sin más las ofertas que pudieran hacerse not because the offers which could have been made should be accepted and nothing more pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '15 esl>eng valiéndose la sociedad mandante de cualquier otro medio de comunicación society reserves the right to act as contractor or contractee for any other method of communication pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 '15 esl>eng el Fisco o Instituciones Fiscales o semifiscales o de administración autónoma the Treasury, Financial or semi-financial institutions, or independent administration pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '14 esl>eng autocontratar self-contract pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '14 esl>eng dar y recibir en prenda give and receive a pledge pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '14 esl>eng tomar y dar bienes en mutuo give and take goods mutually pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '14 esl>eng ya sean en garantía de obligaciones propias o de terceros whether as collateral for their own obligations or those of a third party pro closed ok
4 Dec 29 '14 esl>eng banco mixto Public-Private Partnership Banks pro closed ok
- Dec 29 '14 esl>eng acta certificate pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '14 esl>eng operaciones realizadas a repositorios de información completed transactions to information repositories pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '14 esl>eng Reglamentarismo legal Legal reglamentarism/regulationism pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '14 esl>eng crédito constructor area of Mexico City pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '14 esl>eng Que al folio 31 vto y 32 fte y vto del Libro de Matrimonio ...back of page 31 and front and back of page 32... pro closed ok
4 Nov 21 '14 esl>eng Antiguedad vs. Expedición Original Issue Date - (Renewal) Issue Date pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '14 esl>eng acordes suaves soft joints pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '14 esl>eng A los otrosíes, tiènese presentes. regarding the others, they are recorded pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '14 esl>eng Al petitorio 1° como pide. the plea(request) regarding the first petition (claim) pro closed no
- Nov 14 '14 esl>eng pero si la incumple dará lugar a cuantas responsabilidades (instead/however/etc) the non-conforming Party will be held fully responsible pro closed no
- Nov 13 '14 esl>eng cancelaciones sobre ventas cancellations regarding sales pro closed no
- Nov 12 '14 esl>eng Titular de la Agencia Sexta del Ministerio Público Investigador Held by the Sixth Agency of the Attorney General pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '14 esl>eng Con domicilio en Carretera Monterrey-Reynosa located on the Monterrey-Reynosa Highway easy closed no
- Nov 10 '14 esl>eng encausar Direct pro closed no
4 Nov 9 '14 esl>eng tecnología de la escritura legal writing technique pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '14 esl>eng Encontrandonos en Nuestro Despacho in/at the National Police Precinct/Station pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '14 esl>eng S/. 25'000.000 nuevos soles 25 million soles (PEN) pro just_closed no
- Nov 7 '14 esl>eng giro parlamentario draft bill pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '14 esl>eng el traslado de las diligencias de esos procedimientos (accept) the copies of the records of these proceedings pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '14 esl>eng en virtud de sus funciones according to its use pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '14 esl>eng congelación de rango separation of rank pro just_closed no
- Oct 28 '14 esl>eng embargo en forma de intervención seizure in the form of an audit/examination pro closed no
4 Oct 27 '14 esl>eng la misma que utiliza en todos sus actos Públicos el ciudadano the same that the citizen (signatory) uses in all his/her official (public) acts pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '14 esl>eng presentación a liquidación filing/documentation of payment finalization pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '14 esl>eng causa por activa legal standing as the plaintiffs/claimants pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '14 esl>eng Se ordena oficiar en su oportunidad al correspondiente Registro Civil It is ordered to deliver the official document(s) at the earliest opportunity to the corresponding C pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '14 esl>eng para su testimonio y certificación for its/your proof and certification pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '14 esl>eng CP Condominium pro just_closed no
- Oct 17 '14 esl>eng reclusiòn mayor ordinaria Standard Penetentiary Sentence pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '14 esl>eng coedición civil civil/social registry or registration pro just_closed no
- Oct 14 '14 esl>eng (desahogo de la) prevención waiving of the initial hearing/review (court appearance) pro just_closed no
- Oct 12 '14 esl>eng El suscrito en mi carácter de DIRECTOR DE EJECUCIÓN DE PENAS Y MEDIDAS JUDICIALE I, the undersigned, serving as Director of Enforcement of Penalties and Judicial Rulings/Decisions pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '14 esl>eng Se considera It is (hereby) found/ruled/judged; also For consideration: pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered