Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 31 '12 ita>eng in 4° quarto size pro closed ok
- Jul 13 '12 eng>ita Watch-Guard cordoncino dell'orologio (?) pro closed no
- Jul 13 '12 eng>ita rolling swell tranquillo beccheggio pro closed no
- Jul 12 '12 eng>ita squeeze the life out ... come per spremerla e tirarne fuori ogni goccia di vita pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '12 eng>ita pressed down on the city [che] gravava sulla città easy closed ok
4 Jul 3 '12 eng>ita Not likely to bioaccumulate con limitata tendenza al bioaccumulo pro closed no
- Jun 4 '07 ita>eng FE frazione di eiezione / ejection fraction pro closed ok
- May 30 '07 eng>ita alpha-beta fold struttura ripiegata alfa/beta pro closed ok
- May 28 '07 eng>ita draft 10 Mbp genome bozza di genoma composto da 10 Mbp pro closed ok
- May 23 '07 ita>eng a-sesso-re a-sex-or-rex pro just_closed no
- May 16 '07 ita>eng altri contesti democratici other democratic environments (or contexts) easy closed ok
- May 16 '07 ita>eng assistibile potential beneficiary pro open no
- May 16 '07 ita>eng dispensarizzazione exemption from medical (o health) fees? pro just_closed no
- May 16 '07 ita>eng medico condotto medical officer pro closed ok
- May 16 '07 eng>ita with all the calming reassurance of Bambi fluttering her lovely long eyelashes ... sbattendo le lunghe e adorabili ciglia, con la calma rassicurante di un Bambi pro closed ok
- May 15 '07 ita>eng attacare briga wrangling pro closed ok
- May 14 '07 eng>ita riff on requisitoria contro... pro closed ok
- May 14 '07 eng>ita riff on ripetizione seriale pro closed ok
- May 13 '07 ita>fra Kardiophylakes garde-coeur pro closed ok
- May 12 '07 ita>fra book-scout chercheur d'inédits pro closed ok
- May 11 '07 ita>eng non fuggian quinci e quindi la misura Not yet the daughter at her birth struck fear... pro closed no
4 May 10 '07 eng>ita rule of thumb Una cosa è certa: ... pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 eng>ita ***assembly*** insieme (di pezzi, componenti etc.) pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 eng>ita Health Services Agency Agenzia (di) Servizi Sanitari pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 ita>eng pone infatti spesso di fronte al verificarsi di sincronicità. As a matter of fact, practising Magnetism means frequently meeting with phenomena of syncrhronicity pro closed no
- May 8 '07 ita>fra voir ci-dessous communication honnête / sensibilité pleine pro closed no
4 May 9 '07 ita>fra bozzetti ébauches/esquisses pro closed ok
4 May 8 '07 ita>fra voir ci-dessous voir ci-dessous pro closed no
- May 4 '07 ita>fra crogiolo creuset pro closed ok
- May 4 '07 ita>eng sollevamento in panca con bilanciere weight lifting on a bench with bar pro closed ok
- May 3 '07 ita>eng esercitatore (urgent) esercitatore pro closed ok
- May 3 '07 ita>eng esercitatore (urgent) tutor pro closed ok
- May 2 '07 eng>ita Pulsating, throbbing, or pounding pain dolore pulsante-martellante o lancinante pro closed no
- Apr 30 '07 ita>fra matericità matiérisme pro closed ok
4 Apr 30 '07 ita>fra esponente di punta un des représentants les plus marquants pro closed ok
4 Apr 25 '07 ita>eng celle di ripescaggio ink retrieval cells pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '07 ita>eng rima (see context) Planks and boards, do blossom again! / Tender mild leaves, do rustle again! pro closed no
- Feb 14 '07 ita>eng signore a vita Prince for life pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered