Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 8 '21 eng>eng payment-based amount an amount that is based on successive smaller payments pro open no
4 Aug 7 '21 eng>eng seeding (in context) The winning numbers or combinations are predetermined and planted into the sweepstake pro closed no
4 Jul 12 '21 eng>eng pic Public Limited Company pro closed no
- Jun 14 '20 eng>eng hierarchical authority supervisory authority (of his boss) pro closed ok
- Jun 14 '20 eng>eng absolute discretion keeping absolute confidentiality / keeping absolute secrecy pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '20 eng>eng Landlord is the fee owner of certain real property being landlord is the estate owner of certain real property located pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '20 eng>eng "conduct of the clinical trial" Vs "conduction of the clinical trial" Use "the way the clinical trial is conducted" to avoid confusion. pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered