Translation glossary: Lanna Castellano

Showing entries 1-50 of 64
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a costituisienter an appearance 
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Achat de Prestation IntellectuellePurchase of intellectual services 
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acte de dépôt de testamentcertificate of the execution of the will 
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action en relevé de forclusionsuit for lifting of time-bar 
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affidovatoVi in deposito fiduciarioentrusted to you for your care 
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Arrêté institutif du PermisOrder granting the Permit 
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au visa depursuant to 
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établissement financier de premier ordreleading financial institution 
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battere (all'asta)come under the hammer 
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cassa dd.pp. e debito pubblicoCassa Depositi e Prestiti and national debt 
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chargé (legal context)encumbered 
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colégataire universeluniversal co-legatee 
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colonne frigoupright refrigeration unit 
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con la presente/tanto vi dovevamoRespectfully, . . 
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concordatairebody of creditors under a scheme of composition 
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contrat de prêt intragroupeintragroup loan agreement 
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costituita con atto del .......incorporated by an instrument dated ....... 
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coter et paraphermark and initial 
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cronoprogrammatime schedule 
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demolizione di operedemolition of structures 
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deniers - coins and billsmoneys 
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direction de l'hospitalisation et de l'organisation des soinsDirectorate of Hospitalisation and Care Management 
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effetti attivi e passivi del contrattothe entitlements and charges ensuing from the contract 
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eleggibilità delle spese all'intervento agevolativoeligibility of the costs for concessionary support from XXX 
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engagement de moyens ou avec engagement de résultatundertaking of due care or undertaking regarding the result 
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erogazione di un finanziamentogranting of a loan 
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esigere crediti, incassare e ritirare somme,...recover claims, collect and withdraw moneys, .... 
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Fatto salvo quanto inderogabilmente previsto dalla leggesave as expressly provided by law 
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giudice onorario aggiuntolay associate judge 
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grosseexecution copy 
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ha apposto la propria firma in calce alla scritura che procede.has appended his(her) signature to this document 
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intermittent du spectaclemedia industry worker on short-term contracts 
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iscrizioni e trascrizioni pregiudizievoliadverse entries and registrations 
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La conoscenza dei diversi sistemi giuridiciknowledge of different legal systems 
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luci bianche/luci di scenawhite light / stage lighting 
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nonché Soci rappresentanti, in proprio l'intero capitale sociale"as well as members representing, on their own account, the whole of the capital 
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Nous vous en souhaitons bonne réception.we trust you receive this letter safely 
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opere ed impianti di bonifica e protezione ambientale e di ingegneria naturaliscenvironmental reclamation and protection and ecological engineering ... 
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par un appel au solde du capital souscritby drawing on the balance of the subscribed capital 
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partita catastaleLand Registry record 
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persiste et signeconfirm and sign 
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pour s'en saisir d'officetake up the case ex officio 
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preponente / prepostothe principal / the agent 
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procedura domiciliatalocal clearance procedure 
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procuratore domiciliatarioattorney and addressee for substituted service 
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R.C. - R.C.S.Registre de Commerce - Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés 
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REARepertorio delle Notizie Economiche e Amministrative 
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realizzare i propri creditirecover its debts 
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recours hiérarchiqueappeal to a higher authority 
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