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Trados support CTRL+F does not work (Trados 2022) I had the same problem To fix it, open the search dialog by clicking
Ctrl+F, and then click Alt+Space. Then, click
once on the arrow down key and press Enter. Now
use the arrow keys to move the dialog
Yossi Rozenman Feb 7
Trados support Will my new computer be enough for Studio 2022? I've just bought a new computer: 64 GB RAM, Intel
i9 Gen 13 processor. Let's see if this will be
enough to run Studio 2022 without
crashes... Stay tuned.
Yossi Rozenman Jan 22
Trados support Trados thinks the source language is English but it's French Which file type? Which type of file are you trying to import? And
what do you mean by "import"?
Yossi Rozenman Dec 18, 2023
Trados support Termbase not showing fields in the term recognition window In Studio 2015 termbase works fine I still have Studio 2015 (I need to use it for one
of my clients) and I use the same termbase with
it. When termbase doesn't work in 2022, it
works perfectly in 2015. And yes, the wa
Yossi Rozenman Nov 18, 2023
Trados support Termbase not showing fields in the term recognition window I found that reorganizing the termbase helps When Studio starts having problem showing terms
from termbase, reorganizing termbase solves the
Yossi Rozenman Nov 18, 2023
Trados support Termbase not showing fields in the term recognition window Did you set the Hitlist settings? Yossi Rozenman Nov 11, 2023
Trados support Translating website in Trados The site administrator should be able to export all the files needed As I wrote earlier in this thread, copying to Word
files is not the right workflow. The right
workflow is that the website administrator exports
the necessary files for translation, and
Yossi Rozenman Nov 6, 2023
Trados support Translating website in Trados From my experience, Smartling is a very basic CAT tool If you compare Smartling with Studio or MemoQ, it
is really basic, not to say primitive.
Yossi Rozenman Nov 6, 2023
Trados support Translating website in Trados This sounds like a very un-proffessional workflow You must get the source files of the website.
Today the content of websites is dynamic and comes
from different resources. You cannot translate
such a huge website by copying the pages
Yossi Rozenman Nov 2, 2023
Trados support Trados totally wacked and dysfunctional in the middle of a project What is "everything"? What is stuck, the whole computer, whole Studio,
only this project? Try to give precise details,
because it is not clear what is exactly the
Yossi Rozenman Aug 21, 2023
Trados support Trados totally wacked and dysfunctional in the middle of a project Try to re-translate the original package Remove the project from the projects list, and
open the original package again in a new
folder. Then, add to the project the TM you used
for translating. HTH
Yossi Rozenman Aug 21, 2023
Trados support Trados totally wacked and dysfunctional in the middle of a project Did you try to "kill" Studio and then re-open? Try "killing" Studio using the Task Manager
(Ctrl+Alt+Delete) and re-open it. Then you can
re-translate using the TM. And yes, Trados
Studio 2022 is a piece of crap.

[Edited a
Yossi Rozenman Aug 21, 2023
Trados support Is Trados Studio 2015 upgrade available? Do you really need the new version? Version 2015 is not bad at all. In your place, I
would purchase the latest version if and only if
you really need it (customers demand
etc.). Version 2022 is very unstable (crushes out
Yossi Rozenman Jun 21, 2023
Trados support Recommended Multiterm plug-in for Studio I use attributes in Multiterm, for example to
indicate different translations for the same term
for different fields, contexts, customers
etc. When I add a new term in Studio, it is
Yossi Rozenman May 27, 2023
MemoQ support How to update a segment without adding a new one Yes, this is what I'm doing right now [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: As a workaround you
can delete the outdated translation once you add a
new one. In the translation results pane, right
click the older translation and select<
Yossi Rozenman May 20, 2023
MemoQ support How to update a segment without adding a new one Do you know if they changed it in version 10? [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: Ah, ok, I see now.
Then I agree with Thomas T. Frostб and my comment
is irrelevant in your case. Unfortunately there is
no way other than that mentioned by T
Yossi Rozenman May 19, 2023
MemoQ support How to update a segment without adding a new one I have two TMs, but the TUs are added only to the working TM [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: Probably you have
more than just one TM set to update? By default
memoQ simply overwrites the existing entry. When a
new entry is automatically added in your
Yossi Rozenman May 18, 2023
MemoQ support How to update a segment without adding a new one Sometimes I do want multiple translations [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: You can
deactivate 'Allow multiple translations' in the
Yossi Rozenman May 18, 2023
MemoQ support How to update a segment without adding a new one When I make a change in a segment that I've
translated, MemoQ adds a new TU to the TM instead
of updating the existing one. Also, even if I
don't make any change, it adds a new TU and I
Yossi Rozenman May 18, 2023
Trados support termbase entries not always recoginzed in Trados 2022 Try to re-organize the termbase Try to re-torganize the termbase from Multiterm. Yossi Rozenman May 15, 2023
Trados support "Ad as new translation" doesn't work always Sometimes when I choose the option "Ad as new
translation", Studio overwrites the existing TU
instead of adding new TU. Very
annoying. Anyone knows a solution? TIA
Yossi Rozenman May 15, 2023
Trados support Trados stopping suddenly I also had it in 2021 and now in 2022 Since I bought Trados 2021, it crashed at least
once a day. I thought that if I would upgrade to
2022 it will improve, but not. Waste of
money. And I have quite a strong computer -
Yossi Rozenman May 15, 2023
Trados support Trados Studio 2022 changes the font in target html file Font formatting is made with tags So Studio cannot change it, unless you removed or
corrupted some tags. Or, the CSS file is missing
in the target folder.
Yossi Rozenman Apr 5, 2023
Trados support How to "Ignore all" in Trados spellcheck If project managers don't know the language, they should not bother you with this [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Yes. I don't
mind clients asking questions -- it shows that
they care about their job. But the fact that
Trados underlines unrecognized words is needless
Yossi Rozenman Feb 12, 2023
Trados support How to "Ignore all" in Trados spellcheck I never say this behavior in Word The ignored words are stored in a local
dictionary, not in the document.
Yossi Rozenman Feb 10, 2023
Trados support How to "Ignore all" in Trados spellcheck Right click and "ignore all" Also, you can set Studio not to spell check as you
type. Is this what you meant?
Yossi Rozenman Feb 10, 2023
Trados support dependency file not found I would expect this #@$%& issue to be solved already It looks like bugs in Studio are piling up, and it
becomes more and more frustrating to work with
it. Just upgraded to 2022. Waste of money.
Yossi Rozenman Dec 16, 2022
Trados support Desperate with Studio 2021, should I upgrade to 2022? I'm quite a power user of Trados I've been working with Trados already since the
happy days of Trados 6.5, so I know how to install
and set it up. Those things that I mention are
known issues that "for some reason" (wh
Yossi Rozenman Oct 21, 2022
Trados support Desperate with Studio 2021, should I upgrade to 2022? I can do it by myself [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: How much would it
cost you to get someone to do a clean
re-installation of Windows and all your existing
programs? [/quote] But how would that help
Yossi Rozenman Oct 10, 2022
Trados support Desperate with Studio 2021, should I upgrade to 2022? I'm desperate with my 2021 studio: crashing
unexpectedly, suddenly I cannot add variables,
when Studio is opened with projects in "In
progress" status view, all projects are displayed
Yossi Rozenman Oct 10, 2022
Trados support How to "apply translation" to multiple segments So, for the pre-translation, use only the good TM Even easier, no need for filters. Yossi Rozenman Oct 4, 2022
Trados support How to "apply translation" to multiple segments You have to set a penalty for multiple translations [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: It sounds like you
use more than just 1 TM. There can't be two 100%
matches. Even if you add a new translation
(Ctrl+Shift+U), a 1% penalty applies to both
Yossi Rozenman Oct 4, 2022
Trados support How to "apply translation" to multiple segments Create a filter Create a filter for the translator you want to
include, and then the 100% matches will be only
for this translator.
Yossi Rozenman Oct 4, 2022
Trados support How to "apply translation" to multiple segments Use batch tasks Close the editor, go to Projects, right click the
project, and from the pup-up menu choose "Batch
Tasks" and then "Pre translate Files". HTH
Yossi Rozenman Oct 4, 2022
Trados support Language order when creating a termbase from an excel spreadsheet with Multiterm Languages order does not matter, but In the Excel headers, better use the language
names as they appear in Termbese, i.e., "English"
and not "Eng" or "En". This will avoid problems.
Yossi Rozenman Sep 8, 2022
Trados support Studio stopped adding variables About a one or two weeks ago Studio 2021 stopped
adding variables to the TM. I add a variable,
everything seems to be fine, but when I go back to
the editor, the word is not marked as a
Yossi Rozenman Aug 21, 2022
Trados support Loading updated project files not working You just have to copy and paste the files in the target language folder No need to remove from list, close-open etc. Just
make sure the project is not open in Studio, and
copy and paste the up-to-date SDLXLIFF files from
the target language folder on the sourc
Yossi Rozenman Aug 9, 2022
Trados support Can you record macros in Studio? Is there a possibility to record macros in Studio
(I have 2021)? TIA
Yossi Rozenman Aug 3, 2022
Trados support First experience from the new 2022 Trados version upgraded from the 2021? There are always offers and discounts On year's end and other occasions there are always
offers and discounts, sometimes down to half a
price. If you don't really need to upgrade, you
can wait.
Yossi Rozenman Jul 10, 2022
Trados support How do I make/propagate the same edits in the multiple files in a Trados project? Is there a way to open multiple files from different projects? Is there a way to open multiple files from
different projects? The only way I know is to
create a new project with the original SDLXLIFF
files, and then copy the files back to the
Yossi Rozenman Jun 21, 2022
Trados support SDL Trados (2021) memory update The triangle means that you have to re-index the TM This happens when you have many new TUs or when
you add new variables. To re-index the TM,
select the TM, click "Settings", then "Performance
and Tuning", and then "Recompute Fuzzy Inde
Yossi Rozenman Jun 16, 2022
Trados support Exporting selected segments from trados for bilingual review In which step do you get the error message? Do you get the error message when you try to
import back from Word to Studio, or when you try
to open the exported doc file in Word? Which
version of Word do you use? Studio accept back
Yossi Rozenman May 31, 2022
Trados support Exporting selected segments from trados for bilingual review Did you try the "Export for Bilingual Review" feature? The "Export for Bilingual Review" feature will not
filter out the locked segments, but you get a Word
file which you can import back to Studio.
Yossi Rozenman May 31, 2022
Trados support Exporting selected segments from trados for bilingual review You can filter out the locked segments You can filter out the locked segments, which
should avoid the freezing problem. In the
bottom of Studio's screen, click on "All segments"
and then choose "Not locked". HTH
Yossi Rozenman May 31, 2022
Trados support Finding translation memory in big sentences You can use "AutoSuggest Dictionaries" In your project settings, go to your language
combination under "Language Pairs", then to
"AutoSuggest Dictionaries" and click "Generate".
Choose your TM and generate an AutoSuggest
Yossi Rozenman May 9, 2022
Localization CAT-Tool Localise - has anyone used it/any thoughts about it? Very basic tool I'm working with it now. It is very basic CAT
tool, easy to use, but as Samuel wrote, not built
for speed or with the translator in mind. It is
more a translation projects management tool
Yossi Rozenman Apr 28, 2022
Trados support Trados Studio Freelance: Can I save and email a ".sdlproj"? You can ZIP the whole directory of the project Make a ZIP of all the files and folders of the
project directory and send it to your
colleague. Your colleague should unzip the ZIP
file and open the project file.
Yossi Rozenman Mar 27, 2022
Trados support SDLPPX file SDLPPX is a Studio project file In Studio, click File -> Open -> Open Package, and
open the SDLPPX file.
Yossi Rozenman Feb 1, 2022
Trados support SDLPPX file What do you mean in "does not open" Do you get an error message? Try to be more
Yossi Rozenman Feb 1, 2022
Trados support Is Trados 2021 fit for purpose? My 2021 works, but crashes *at least* once a day At least once a day it Pooofff! closes. No error
message, nothing, simply closes out of the
blue. I bought a brand new Dell computer, with
16GB RAM, and still the same problem. Anoth
Yossi Rozenman Dec 30, 2021

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