Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A 160-page graphic novel about young girls who turn into superheroes. FR> ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Last part of a romance novel. 10K words, FR to ENG. Would love to finish today but that might be pushing it.


1 user

I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Working on a video game script about doctors and their love lives. FR to ENG, 27K words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Video game script about vampires. 8K words to do today to stay on track, but with this kind of material, it's doable. FR>ENG


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Catalogue descriptions for a publishing company + a novel about romance in the corporate world. 3600 words FR to ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Working on a video game script about doctors and their love lives. FR to ENG, 25K words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Today I am alternating between a graphic novel about chocolate, a video game script about vampires, and a web comic about a she-demon looking for love via dating apps. Never boring!


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing up a graphic novel set in an Alabama prison in the 1920s (FR>ENG 170 pages) and starting on the script for a video game about vampires (26K words FR>ENG).


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Vampire romance video game. 29K words FR> ENG. Unfortunately, must do 15K today to meet deadline!


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A graphic novel about Marie Curie and other brilliant women of science. FR>ENG 94 pages.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A graphic novel about women discoverers. FR>ENG 96 pages.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

The script for a video game about vampires. 23K words FR to ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing a graphic novel about Michael Jackson. 196 pages FR> ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Doing a bibliography for a graphic novel about the Disney brothers then will launch into another graphice novel about an abusive relationship. Never boring! FR> ENG 300 pages.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to start on a new graphic novel about a woman's toxic relationship with a narcissist. 300 pages FR>ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to start a 110-page graphic novel about Walty Disney. 8K words FR > ANG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A 180-page graphic novel set in medieval times. Light text and gorgeous art makes this a perfect projet! FR>ENG.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to start on a catalogue for a comic book publisher. FR> ENG 15K words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing up the last 2000 words of a video game before I proof and send 25K words total, FR>ENG.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Shooting for 6000 words today on a FR>ENG video game about vampires. My new strategy: work in 30-minute periods. In between, stretch, check emails, make tea, etc. So far it's been very productive!


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Getting a late start today on a script for a video game about vampires. But I can do 2K words / hour with this material so I can still make up for it! FR> ENG 23K words.


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Reviewing the translation of an 800-page book on experimental cinema from the 20s and 30s. FR> ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Video game about vampires. FR>ENG 25K words. Trying to maintain a 2K-word-per-hour average (without proofing). Totally doable but it requires intense concentration!


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A graphic novel about an autocratic, worldwide government set in the near future. 140 pages FR>ENG.


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to start a new chapter for a video game about vampires. 25K words FR to ENG.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Editing a book on experimental cinema. ENG to FR, 190K words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Proofing a 25K-word video script and about to start a graphic novel about the Resistance.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Short article for a photography magazine and more work on a graphic novel series (crime): that's the plan for today, along with not catching the corona virus. FR > ENG, total of aroun 3K words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing up a graphic novel on a family that decided to go zero waste. FR into ENG, 14K words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

About to finish graphic novel set in medieval Japan. 6K words French to English


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Working on two different graphic novels + articles for a photography magazine. FR> ENG.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just invoiced for some articles about photography, about to get back to subtitling a popular TV show, and then I will return to a screenplay about the Himba people. FR > ENG 17K words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a short article for a photography magazine and am about to start a 2.2K word presentation of a film project. FR>ENG


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just handed in an article for a photography magazine, now getting back to the screenplay about Namibia. 26K FR>ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Screenplay about a tribe in Namibia fighting a dam project. FR>ENG 26K words.


I Do That

2 users

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Trying to motivate myself to start on a FR>ENG legal contract on a beautiful fall day. 1.5 K words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Juggling between two graphic novels: one about locker room bullies, another about a legendary female bandit from India. I love the variety! FR>ENG, 10,000 words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing up a graphic novel on Rodin and about to start a short article for a photography magazine. FR > ENG, 7K + 400 words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Short articles for a photography magazine. 1500 words FR>ENG


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Graphic novel about a girl and a bakery (9K words) and a short article on photography (800 words). FR> ENG


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Back to a graphic novel about Bob Marley after interrupting it with another graphic novel about sharks and submarines and translating editorial notes on a new book series. FR>ENG 9 K words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Working on a graphic novel about Bob Marley. 13K words, FR > ENG.


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Finishing up the end notes of a graphic novel on children in the French Resistance. 3000 words, FR>ENG.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Starting on a 15,000-word FR to ENG graphic novel about the author's life.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Starting on a series of Webtoons. FR>ENG 5,000 words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Working on a mimodrama originally written for Marcel Marceau. FR > ENG, 4,000 words.


1 userI Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Fourth book in a graphic novel series about children in the French Resistance. FR>ENG 10K words.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A graphic novel that is sort of a Mad Max with dinosaurs. FR > ENg. 200 pages.


I Do That

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A collection of interviews with and articles about a Chilean-French artist. FR> ENG. 45,000 words.


I Do That

1 user

MK2010, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

A graphic novel about a dying father and his estranged son taking a trip around the world together. FR> ENG 10K words.


1 userI Do That