Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Linguinet Translations

Your translation needs are solved with us!

We are a multidisciplinary group of translators that offer you high quality and reliable translations in a wide range of subjects, mainly related with Oil&Gas industry.

We have worked for companies in Mexico US and Canada in the fields of Oil and gas, Telemetry, SCADAs, gas transportation process, drilling equipment, electrical installations, software in general, administrative documents, among others.

We offer you support via Skype and e-mail before, during and after the translation process, in order to clarify all your questions. Let us know what your specific needs are and we can look for different alternatives to get your project done.

Team language pairs 3
  • inglês para espanhol
  • espanhol para inglês
Team leader
Abel Padilla
Abel Padilla
Technical translations. Oil&Gas
MSc. in Electronics
Multidisciplinary technical group mainly experience in the Oil and Gas Industry, Software and enviromental areas.
Team members 3
"Fast, efficient translator"
Natalí Felcaro
Natalí Felcaro
Fast, Efficient and Reliable Translator
Eduardo Arria
Eduardo Arria
Quick & Reliable Translations