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Category preview - Business

Diccionario jurídico-empresarial español-inglés-español

by Veronique Bodoutchian

Este diccionario responde a la necesidad de una población profesional creciente que se enfrenta a los requerimientos que le imponen la comunicación fluida con sus homólogos en otros países tanto con los de lengua inglesa, como con los que adoptan esta

Quick Start Guide: 10 Steps to Create an Optimized Website for Your Freelance Business

by Tess Whitty

80% of people online use search engines such as Google to find a product or service and 58% of those tend to trust a company with a website or other web presence more than people that do not have a website.

Marketing Tips for Translators: The Ultimate Collection of Business Tips from the Podcast

by Tess Whitty

The chapters in this book will help you discover the inspiration you need to market your translation services in an efficient way, as well as fresh ideas about productivity and tools for organizing your time and workday.

Priručnik za prevodioce (Translators’ Handbook)

by Čedomir Pušica

Priručnik za prevodioce (The Translators’ Handbook) addresses translation from a business perspective and is designed as a lasting reference point.