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6th Translation Contest

English to Serbian


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Eroticism has this in common with an addictive drug: that there is a coercive element to its pleasure with which part of us is in complicity, and part not. Thus ever since time began men have been trying to enjoy eroticism without being destroyed by it. Societies, religions can be defined in the way they deal with this conundrum. Polygamy, monogamy with repression, monogamy with affairs, monogamy with prostitutes, serial monogamy. Not to mention individual solutions of great ingenuity, or desperation: Victor Hugo with the door knocked through the wall of his office, to let in a girl each afternoon. Auden's flair for finding call-boys in every town. Picasso who simply refused when wife and mistress demanded he choose between them. Then there is always the hair-shirt of course. But perhaps the thing to remember when you wake up with a life full of fresh paint and tortuous complications is that eroticism wasn't invented for you, nor merely for the survival of the species perhaps, but for a divinity's entertainment. Nothing generates so many opportunities for titillation and schadenfreude as eroticism. Which is why it lies at the centre of so much narrative. How the gods thronged the balconies of heaven to see the consequences of Helen's betrayal! And your friends are watching too. Your antics have put the shine on many a late-night conversation.

On the borders between mythology and history, that wily survivor Odysseus was the first who learnt to trick the gods. And perhaps his smartest trick of all was that of lashing himself to the mast before the Sirens came in earshot. There are those of course who are happy to stand at the railings, even scan the horizon. Otherwise, choose your mast, find the ropes that suit you: sport, workaholism, celibacy with prayerbook and bell... But the kindest and toughest ropes of all are probably to be found in some suburban semi-detached with rowdy children and a woman who never allows the dust to settle for too long.

Entry #4747 - Points: 70 - WINNER!
Miomira Brankovic
Erotičnost i opojne droge imaju nešto zajedničko: zadovoljstvo koje izazivaju sadrži određenu dozu prinude kojoj jednim delom svoga bića popuštamo, a drugim ne. Stoga čovek od pamtiveka pokušava da uživa u erotici a da ga ona pri tome ne uništi. Društva i religije mogu se definisati prema načinu na koji rešavaju ovaj problem. Poligamija, monogamija uz obuzdavanje, monogamija uz vanbračne izlete, monogamija uz prostitutke, monogamija u nizu… Da ne pominjemo pojedinačna rešenja koja Show full text

Entry #4714 - Points: 29
Cvijeta Jaksic
Erotizam ima nečeg zajedničkog s drogom:  uživanje u njemu poseduje elemenat prisile u kojem sami  tek delimično učestvujemo. Tako su ljudi otkad je sveta i veka nastojali da u erotizmu uživaju a da ih on ne uništi. Društva i vere možemo da definišemo po tome kako se odnose prema ovoj zavrzlami. Poligamija, monogamija uz represiju, monogamija uz preljube, monogamija uz prostituciju,  serijska monogamija. Da ne pominjemo individualna krajnje dovitljiva ili očajnička Show full text

Entry #4079 - Points: 24
Erotika ima nešto zajedničko sa drogom koja izaziva zavisnost, a to je da postoji element prinude u dostizanju zadovoljstva, sa kojim neki od nas saučestvujemo, a neki ne. Tako, još od postanka sveta, čovek pokušava da uživa u erotici a da ga ona ne uništi. Društva, religije se mogu definisati po načinu na koji gledaju na ovo teško pitanje. Poligamija, monogamija uz obuzdavanje, monogamija uz varanje, monogamija sa bludnicama, serijska monogamija. Da ne pominjemo pojedinačna rešenja Show full text

Miomira Brankovic
Skipped sentence:
There are those of course who are happy to stand at the railings, even scan the horizon.
Entry #3895 - Points: 4
Jessica Pearl-Vejnovic (X)
Erotičnost ima nešto zajedničko sa drogama:  a to je da ima nasilna strana u njegovom uživanju sa čim se neki od nas slažu, i neki ne.  Dakle, od početka vremena čovek pokušava da uživa u erotici a da ga ona ne uništi.  Društva i religije mogu da budu definisani po načinu na koji rešavaju ovu zagonetku.  Mnogoženstvo, jednoženstvo sa represijom, jednoženstvo sa varanjom, jednoženstvo sa prostitutkama,  serijska jednoženstvo.  I Show full text

Feedback - 6th Translation Contest
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