Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 16 '23 eng>eng hyphenated/unhyphenated phrases in English three-year is an adjective, three years is a period of time easy closed no
- Aug 20 '13 eng>fra 17th-century theatre théâtre du XVII siècle easy closed no
4 Jun 28 '08 eng>eng Pulitzer that it's good enough to be a contender for the Pulitzer prize easy closed no
4 Feb 17 '08 fra>eng nous ayons jamais eu l’occasion yes, subjective following superlative easy closed no
4 Oct 11 '07 eng>fra violin ensemble un ensemble de violons easy closed ok
- Aug 17 '07 fra>eng inodore et sans saveur insipid and tasteless easy closed ok
- Aug 5 '06 fra>eng tout court she liked Jean, period! easy closed no
- May 29 '06 fra>eng teuf we live in a society that is/seems to be just one big party easy closed ok
4 Jan 10 '06 eng>fra all you need is love Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c’est l’Amour easy closed ok
- Jan 9 '06 fra>eng J'ignore ce que put être la voix I don't know what kind of voice he used to have easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '06 fra>eng donnez chaud rien qu'à vous regarder Just by looking at you, I feel warm/good all over easy closed no
- Jul 23 '05 fra>eng Là où tout n'est que calme, beauté et volupté ! just for reference: the entire poem + 3 different translations easy closed no
4 May 28 '05 fra>eng RTBF Belgium's French-speaking radio and television service, RTBF easy closed ok
4 May 25 '05 eng>fra what ever will be will be que sera sera easy closed no
- May 6 '05 deu>eng Chaumes Chaumes easy closed ok
4 Apr 6 '05 fra>eng Intitut Supérieur pour l’Etude du Langage Plastique 'ISELP', Intitut Supérieur pour l’Etude du Langage Plastique easy closed ok
4 Mar 18 '05 ita>eng dare il la will be conducting at the opening of the newly renovated theatre easy closed no
- Mar 6 '05 fra>eng "je ne saurais trop..." I can't urge you enough to publish the results of your survey/investigation/enquiry easy closed ok
4 Mar 5 '05 ita>eng casa natale house where he was born easy closed ok
4 Mar 3 '05 deu>eng Bordellen Brothels/Houses of ill repute easy closed no
4 Feb 10 '05 ita>eng né con te né senza di te neither with you (n)or without you easy closed no
4 Feb 6 '05 fra>eng déchirement intérieur internal torment easy closed no
4 Feb 3 '05 fra>eng fagnes (Haute) Fagnes is a region in the Belgian Ardennes; Wallonie is the French-speaking part of Belgium easy closed no
4 Jan 28 '05 dut>eng zijn gang maar gaan give the chef free rein /let the chef decide for you/let the chef do his thing easy closed no
4 Jan 18 '05 ita>eng immersa nel verde in green surroundings easy closed ok
- Jan 14 '05 deu>eng Sie findert sich in jeder Situation zu Recht. They always land on their feet easy closed ok
- Jan 12 '05 eng>fra Opening session and Key Note Addresses pas pour des points, mais pour prouver que 'key note address' est bel et bien easy closed no
4 Dec 28 '04 fra>eng Maison des echevins Aldermen's House easy closed ok
- Dec 11 '04 fra>eng Quotidien du Midi Leave it in French-it's the title of a painting easy closed no
4 Nov 18 '04 dut>eng hoe je in mekaar steekt what you're made of easy closed ok
4 Oct 24 '04 eng>fra comic slash writer acteur comique et auteur easy closed no
4 Oct 8 '04 ita>eng Lae donder mobili En soo moretsa a bastardisation of "La donna è mobile' from Verdi's opera Rigoletto. easy closed no
- Sep 7 '04 lat>eng Veritas et aequitas truth and justice easy closed no
- Sep 5 '04 fra>eng se laisser faire to partake in it, take advantage of it easy closed no
4 Aug 21 '04 deu>eng Du hälst nicht viel ! You prefer action(s) to words easy closed no
- Aug 16 '04 dut>eng donkerbruin verbrand avonturier swarthy sunburned aventurer easy closed no
- Aug 8 '04 dut>eng Net zoals die laatste keer just like the time before easy closed ok
- Aug 8 '04 dut>eng Net zoals die laatste keer not for points-just info about Louis Neefs (b. 1937-d. 1980) easy closed ok
- Jul 19 '04 eng>fra doo-doo + ,... caca easy closed no
- Jul 18 '04 dut>eng daar connected therewith or stemming therefrom easy closed ok
4 Jul 11 '04 deu>eng Tomatenwerfer a discontented, irate Italian operagoer easy closed no
- Jul 9 '04 dut>eng blijf ik gade slaan I keep on watching, I keep my eye on every door........ easy closed no
4 Jul 9 '04 dut>eng Ik voel me rot I feel lousy easy closed no
- Jun 27 '04 deu>eng So etwa .... (meaning within sentence) For instance easy closed ok
- May 12 '04 fra>eng encore un univers en soi comment easy closed ok
- May 11 '04 ita>eng da par suo As for Andrea himself, as transcriber (?) he exemplified etc. easy closed ok
- Apr 20 '04 fra>eng le Poitou the Poitou of the many Count Guillaumes, Dukes of Aquitaine easy closed ok
4 Mar 25 '04 eng>fra showrunner producteur chef /exécutif easy closed ok
4 Mar 19 '04 fra>eng c'est dit it's done; I accept; so be it easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '04 fra>eng Le Cafardeux Gloomy Guy, Down in the Dumps easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered